Five Web Accessibility Extensions for Visual Studio Code
December 15, 2022accessibilitytoolsproductivityDeveloping with accessibility in mind requires knowledge of WCAG rules and good techniques. These techniques boils down to remembering good accessbility patterns in code. Linters are good at discerning less ideal patterns and provide hints on how to fix them. Before I used to think linters are optional for developers. But now I don’t think I can work without them. Using a good IDE linter will help making sure your code follows accessibility best practices and in turn make you more productive.

Make Your Bash Prompt Work For You
November 14, 2016bashproductivitycliIf you work with Linux or Unix-like operating systems like Ubuntu or the MacOS, you might be familiar with Bourne-Again Shell or BASH for short. This article will show you that with a little elbow grease, you can have your BASH prompt work for you and heck maybe have a little fun with it.