3 posts tagged with "best-practice"

Five simple steps to improve website accessibility
December 10, 2022web-developmenthtmlbest-practiceAccessibility is very important. It ensures that anything we make is available to a greater number of people. It is not just about people…

Working with Date and Time Input
December 09, 2022web-developmenthtmlbest-practiceI remember using JqueryUI’s datepicker. It was my go-to calendar widget in the past. It was great. I just drop an input box give it an “id” and then run a function. You get a great-looking calendar picker for your forms. It was a great bit of software engineering. I’ve used it in a lot of my old projects and clients were impressed.

Build an Accessible Tab Container
October 10, 2022web-developmentaccessibilitybest-practiceAs part of the work I do for my employer, I analyze UI elements on our product to check if we need to re-engineer the component to improve…