
Self : AWARE

August 29, 2013

Self is an award winning IOS app by AWARE foundation of Singapore.

Most women do not complain about domestic violence (verbal and physical) because they have no evidence to prove it. This app, when activated, monitors for a spike in the ambient sound decibel level (for example shouting), and automatically starts recording, saving an audio file in a secret folder. The victim can later use this recording as proof of abuse. The app also has an optional facility of automatically sending an SOS, via SMS, to a nominated person when the sound level rises above a certain point.


Lowe Singapore triumphs at Creative Circle Awards with 29 Gongs Self Winners 2013

Concept: Dominic Stallard

Creative Direction by:   **Noel Perlas, Eranga Tennekoon, Mandar Wairkar

My role:

All server backend for user management and SMS processing. I used SLIM PHP framework because of its small footprint. The initial version was created by a contractor. Eventually, I took over the IOS applicaiton and maintained everything. Applied flat design by Noel Perlas when the application was updated to IOS 6.

User interface:

Object C, Foundation Classes, iOS 6


PHP, Slim REST  microframework

By @codespud  
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