Photoshop Regrets
April 02, 2006
Hi! Here’s my first article for Web design hope you enjoy it.
I am still a frustrated computer graphics artist, I dabbled a little in PS when I was still doing web design. But more and more
I was stirred to doing more programming so that part of
my ‘education’ was stunted for a while. But when I get some free time I try to learn as much as I can. Mostly, for hobby but I’ve submitted some of them for work.
Enough of me, I scoured for resource sites to teach me
do neat effects in Photoshop. I am listing a partial listing below so you can check
them for yourself.
ah the basics! Learn to crawl! Getting the hang of the tool is a step closer to mastering it. SO if your a newbie dont miss this site. For advance users, a refresher wont hurt. 😀
a bit advanced, when you mastered the basics and need a little more challenge you can go here
this is a wacom site. wacom makes tablet and pens used by professional graphic artists. as a encouragement to newbies and experts a like they provided a great collection of PS tutorials. The list is categorized by difficulty so you can pace your learning. For digital photo enthusiasts the ‘removing scratches’ and ‘exposure correction’ is a must learn.
this is place is wacky. try the robotic frog tutorial I had a laugh turning a worm into one. 🙂
This guy knows what he’s talking about. If the clutter of controls in PS gets you in a panic, here the place to go. He lists problems then list PS techniques to solve them. There are hints scattered thru the pages.