Linux: Series Introduction
May 28, 2006
Hi! I have been managing linux servers since 2002, back then I was assigned to develop web applications in Redhat Linux Servers. I was hesitant at first (fearful to say the least), I can still remember my heart racing whenever something broke. My knowledge of the OS is non-existent. A friend of mine taught me some commands like [ls] and [tail], that got me a week or two. But soon tasks had grown complex overtime. I needed to learn so I started a blog (my first one), so I can phase my study of the [Penguin], it helped me a lot. Unfortunately, after sometime my blog host went bankrupt. I lost interest so I discontinued, and life went on as they say.
Blogging gave me the motivation to study further than I would. So finally, after 3 years, I’m starting this once again as a refresher, an online linux course for me and those who would happen to need it. 🙂 Cheers!
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