Ten Common Typescript Discriminated Union Examples
February 08, 2025typescriptdevelopmentIn this post we explore the marvelous world of Discriminated Unions in TypeScript. Discriminated Unions are a way to combine types that…

Using Container Queries to Make a News Layout
February 24, 2023csslayoutfrontendWhen I hear media query I think about a bottle filled with liquids that don’t mix (e.g. oil and water). The content(water/oil) will assume…

Automatically generate skip buttons to improve accessibility
February 17, 2023accessibilityjavascriptfrontendAnother common accessibility tool is the skip button. It comes in different forms. It would sometimes be smartly included in the design or hidden until needed.

CSS Snippets I Use 90% of The Time - Part 2
February 09, 2023csssnippetsUXThis is part 2 of CSS snippets I used 90% of the time post. As promised this is second part of CSS styles I commonly used with my projects. If you are going to think of a rule I’d say this is my 80/20 rule for CSS.

Five common Javascript mistakes I am guilty of
February 02, 2023javascripterrorweb-developmentErrors in code are normal. That is why we have a whole branch of the IT industry dedicated to quality assurance and testing. Javascript is the easiest programming language to learn, but it is also the easiest to get wrong. Javascript is a very forgiving programming language. As a result, Javascript code can be prone to errors.

CSS Snippets I Use 90% of The Time - Part 1
January 28, 2023csssnippetsaccessibilityI have snippets of code I return to whenever I find patterns in a design. It is one of those efficiency hacks I’ve adopted as a programmer. I have quite a collection. Gathered working on websites in different industries. Although the size and theme of these websites vary, I can still count on some basic UI patterns.

Top three things to do for better keyboard and screenreader navigation
January 20, 2023accessibilityUXfrontendImproving accessibility is an exercise in empathy. We put ourselves in other people’s shoes and imagine how we can do a specific task. Tasks like going up a flight of stairs, knowing when to cross a street, or how to consume a website.

Newbie's Guide to Learning Vue.js
January 14, 2023vuefrontendweb-developmentPart of my new year resolution for 2023 is to learn at least 3 new front-end frameworks. One of these frameworks I intend to dive deeper into is Vue.js. Every time I want to learn something new I try to plan first. A very quick to-do list related to the subject. I know there’s a lot of great guides out there about Vue.js.

Fix accessibility using focus-within
January 08, 2023accessibilitycssfrontendA few issues I found recently for clients were related to accessibility. A few perfectly working user interfaces were not keyboard accessible. Not because they are custom controls nor because the controls were not tabable.

Programmer's New Year Resolution
December 31, 2022web-developmentpersonalfrontendI am the most undisciplined person I know. I make resolutions every year - and every year - I fall short. But I am stubborn too. So this year, I have decided to be a better programmer and work on my journey in this blog. I am starting with my new year’s resolution as a front-end developer.

React Custom button: a study on accessibility
December 19, 2022web-developmentreactjsaccessibilityReact and accessibility I love ReactJs. I learned late in my career as there were not a lot of opportunities to do so. When I finally found a suitable situation to explore ReactJs for a previous employer. I jumped on it and picked it up quickly. It was weird in the beginning but it became quite natural in the end. Now I mainly work with ReactJS in most of my projects.

Five Web Accessibility Extensions for Visual Studio Code
December 15, 2022accessibilitytoolsproductivityDeveloping with accessibility in mind requires knowledge of WCAG rules and good techniques. These techniques boils down to remembering good accessbility patterns in code. Linters are good at discerning less ideal patterns and provide hints on how to fix them. Before I used to think linters are optional for developers. But now I don’t think I can work without them. Using a good IDE linter will help making sure your code follows accessibility best practices and in turn make you more productive.